Founded in 2013 and providing services globally, Beaver Educational (Immigration) Consultancy (BEC) Canada is a team of extraordinary people who genuinely care about helping you to follow your dreams. We are a multi-faceted educational and immigration consultancy organization dedicated to helping clients with studying in Canadian colleges and universities. We also provide varied Canadian immigration services. Staffed by dedicated and knowledgeable advisors, we are committed to facilitating university admissions, visa, immigration, and professional personalized services.
BEC is one of the few educational / immigration consultancy companies that deal with its customers on a case-by-case basis. For our clients, “one size fits one”. BEC works closely with its clients to offer the most effective educational /immigration solutions to achieve our client’s goals. Most members of our management have firsthand knowledge of the Canadian educational and immigration system, so we understand our clients better.
Mission: To prepare international students for a first-class Canadian educational experience, and offer varied Canadian immigration services.